The Snap Forward
The Snap Forward
A Collision with Our Own Unreadiness

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A Collision with Our Own Unreadiness

Playing make-believe about the potential for an orderly transition is not helping us accelerate our society's responses to the planetary crisis.
Dairy farmer protest, Brussels CC by Teemu Mäntynen

One consequence of having let the planetary crisis grow so large is that we’ve lost our ability to secure an orderly transition to a more sustainable society.

We still pretend, though, that such a transition remains possible.

Indeed, we cling to legacy ideas about climate solutions and policies, organizing and awareness-spreading that are manifestly outdated and unworkable. They are unworkable in part because the political dynamics they depend on have already failed to materialize.

In this podcast, I begin by riffing off David Roberts’ observation about the European Parlimentary elections that “Probably the scariest thing about climate change is that its effects are going to make addressing its causes progressively more difficult.”

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The Snap Forward
The Snap Forward
New thinking for a fast-changing planet.